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File List  |  1992-05-18  |  6KB  |  88 lines

  1.                           Health/Medicine
  2.                          Location of files 047A
  4. 1STAID33.ZIP    72227  11-20-91  First Aid Tutorial 3.3: A certified CPR
  5.                                | instructor presents basic treatment for      
  6.                                | common medical emergencies including         
  7.                                | bleeding, shock, poisoning, seizures,        
  8.                                | stroke, fractures, heart attack, and         
  9.                                | more. Shareware ($10 & up)
  10. AGORA.ZIP        2673  09-30-90  Text file about Agoraphobia
  11. ALZHEIM.ZIP      3243  12-13-90  Q & A about Alzheimer's disease.
  12. ALZHIMRS.ZIP     3989  10-23-91  Text file describing syptoms and treatment
  13.                                | of Alzheimer's disease.
  14. BDA301A.ZIP    179849  11-24-91  THE BETTER DIET ANALYZER V3.01 (BUG FIX) 1
  15.                                | OF 2
  17.                                | FILES. 2 of 2
  18. BIO991.ZIP      36964  09-17-91  Updated Bio-Rythm generator.
  19. BIOG100.ZIP     47167  11-23-91  Biorhythm program for Dos, VGA, very good
  20.                                | graphics.
  21. BIORYM.ZIP      35163  12-01-91  A colorful biorythm charting program.
  22. BRLM0991.ZIP   136034  09-05-91  Braille Monitor Sept 91. Includes articles
  23.                                | on adaptive devices for blind publication.
  24. CALORIES.ZIP    46005  10-18-91  Calories contained in over 4,000 different
  25.                                | foods. From the U.S.D.A.
  26. CALWATCH.ZIP   220947  03-06-92  Calorie counter. 4,000 food items & 10 sample
  27.                                | fast food establisments. Includes printout of
  28.                                | each meal, exercize charts, etc.
  29. CONSLT.ZIP      82427  11-25-91  Medical Consultant for Windows 3: Generates a
  30.                                | personal medical history, write a living will
  31.                                | and create a durable power of attornet.      
  32.                                | Medical histories can be saved for future    
  33.                                | reference, updated as needed and printed in  
  34.                                | either pocket or full-sized format. VBasic   
  35. CVRISK10.ZIP    35409  11-12-91  Cardiovascular Heart Risk calculations
  36. DCARDIAC.ZIP    65740  08-30-91  Cardiac Arrest Demo: Interactive tutorial for
  37.                                | health care professionals on how to manage a
  38.                                | cardiac arrest situation.  ACLS approved.
  39. DEPRESS.ZIP     43371  09-01-91  Self-administered test. Are you depressed?
  40. DIETDISK.ARC   118528  05-07-92  Diet manager.
  41. DRUGWAR.ZIP     15101  08-17-91  Interesting article on abuses in Anti-Drug
  42. FASTHINK.ZIP    13344  11-18-91  Text file on cognitive enhancement drugs and
  43.                                | their effects                                
  44. FTESTV1.ZIP     77816  11-10-91  THE FITNESS TESTS v1.0.  Tests strength,
  45.                                | endurance, flexibility, and body
  46.                                | composition. Establishes a baseline upon
  47.                                | which you can improve. If you have ever
  48.                                | wondered if you are just wasting your time
  49.                                | in the gym then THE FITNESS TESTS are for
  50.                                | you. IBM or compatible, 256k, DOS 2.xx or
  51.                                | higher, mouse optional 
  52. HIVNOV91.ZIP    15734  12-05-91  HIV/AIDS surveillance report.
  53. KEYB102.ZIP     20852  10-02-91  Keybind v1.02: util that allows you to bind
  54.                                | charaters or strings to keys on your keyboard
  55. LEAN101A.ZIP   134032  04-01-91  Based on current health research (1 of 2)
  56. LEAN101B.ZIP    88893  05-09-91  Not a traditional calorie count  (2 of 2)
  57. LEGALHI.ZIP     30085  07-24-90  Legal Highs - a concise encyclopedia of
  58.                                | legal psychoactive substances and their      
  59.                                | properties.  Ascii text file.                
  60. MAGNIFY1.ZIP    23742  09-04-91  Double size of characters on all or part of
  61.                                | the screen, for visually impaired users etc.
  62. NDBFCS4A.ZIP   292419  08-23-91  Survey Nutrient Database from Department of
  63.                                | Agriculture BBS   (1 of 3)
  64. NDBFCS4B.ZIP   249060  08-23-91  Nutrient Database (2 of 3)
  65. NDBFCS4C.ZIP   218798  08-23-91  Nutrient Database (3 of 3)
  66. PERTRAIN.ZIP    16530  01-24-92  Final Regulations for training programs for
  67.                                | individuals with disabilities 34 CFR Part 318
  68.                                | RIN 1820-AA95.
  69. RFB_CBFB.ZIP    11791  10-07-91  List of computer oriented titles available on
  70.                                | disk from Recording For The Blind. You must
  71.                                | be registered with them in order to use the
  72.                                | service.
  73. SIGN.ZIP        61511  09-14-91  Sign language program
  74. SOBER.ZIP        3907  10-26-91  Sobriety & blood alcohol level ASCII charts
  75. SUICID.ZIP       3150  12-28-91  What to say to someone who is suicidal.
  76. SUROGATE.ZIP     4289  10-11-91  Surrogate motherhood-is it recommended or
  77.                                | not?
  78. USDA_NDB.ZIP   339054  11-17-91  USDA Nutrient Database for almost every food
  79.                                | Contains over 1400 foods.
  80. VITALITY.ZIP    27585  10-07-91  Health program calculates risk of heart
  81.                                | attack, proper caloric intake according to
  82.                                | data you enter about yourself, diet
  83.                                | suggestions, plus more.  All in a one file
  84.                                | program.
  85. VITD.ZIP         3832  06-29-91  Vitamin D Database from the Department of
  86.                                | Agriculture BBS                              
  87. WTLOSS.ZIP      48635  09-23-91  Weight loss program.